Want year-end success? Re-evaluate your plan now

Want year-end success? Re-evaluate your plan now

“So, how did that work out?” This is a question my grandmother used to ask me with her hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised. You can guess the “I-told-you-so” tone. It was always after I had failed miserably at something I claimed I knew how to do. Nanny — as all...

Helping meat make the grade in college

In the last month, nearly 19 million students packed their bags and headed off to college. My son was one of them; he was starting his sophomore year.  Because he was moving into a house with two other young men versus the dorm, I found myself adding cooking supplies...

At Midan, What We Do Is Who We Are

Happy New Year! It’s only the second week of 2018, but some of us (no names mentioned!) might already be wavering on those ambitious resolutions we made to do more of “this” and less of “that” in the coming year. While the new year offers a chance to start fresh, it’s...