What’s Really Driving Plant-Based Protein Purchases?

If you’ve been paying attention to the happenings in Hollywood, you might think that meat will have a starring role in the next big-screen blockbuster as the evil villain. Along with the Golden Globes serving a meatless entrée at its awards ceremony, prominent actors...

Flexitarians: Don’t write them off

I must admit I was amused by the banter that followed Gregory Bloom’s blog a few weeks ago entitled, “The fake meat fad will fade.” The extended list of comments showed that even within the meat industry, there are varied and very strong opinions on the potential...

Top Six Meat Industry Trends

There’s a saying in the Midan office: “What got us here, won’t get us there.” It’s a reminder that we need to keep our game sharp to compete in the ever-evolving meat industry. It was in that same vein that my partner Danette Amstein and I presented the top meat...