You Are Not Your Target Audience

You Are Not Your Target Audience

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you are a packer/processor, when is the last time you did a store check through the eyes of the consumer? I am talking about standing in front of a retail meat case and really looking at your branded items — not from your perspective of...
The Sustainability Conversation

The Sustainability Conversation

Reading Time: 3 minutes How to Impact the Sustainability Conversation in the Social Space If you have been reading my blog posts for any length of time, you know I am passionate about the subject of sustainability and how consumers perceive it, especially when it...
Tomorrow’s Meat Industry: Generation Z

Tomorrow’s Meat Industry: Generation Z

Reading Time: 3 minutes Every company has an interest in being future-focused – thinking about upcoming generations and how they will shape not only the world, but that company’s future. Both the meat and marketing industries have had their eye on Generation Z...
4 Takeaways From USRSB General Assembly

4 Takeaways From USRSB General Assembly

Reading Time: 3 minutes In recent years, the meat industry’s sustainability conversation has evolved from “what do we do about sustainability” to “how do we measure and report our sustainability progress.” As we move into this next phase of our sustainability journey,...
Top Takeaways From 2023 CattleCon

Top Takeaways From 2023 CattleCon

In February, I had the privilege of traveling with a few of my colleagues to the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show held in New Orleans. I had the privilege of speaking as part of Cattlemen’s College. We attended sessions, walked the showroom floor...