5 Ways to Dig into Digital Marketing

Remember the days (and sounds) of dial-up internet – kerrhh beep beep wurrh What started as a way to simply store and share information, the internet’s explosive growth has paved the way for Digital Marketing, a full discipline and true necessity for companies. It’s...

Just Another Day at the Office…

If you know anything about Midan, you know it’s not just an empty slogan when we say that we live, breathe and dream about meat. Our recent annual Team Meeting bears this out in spades. While some companies jet off to Vegas or escape to Disney World to get away from...

Five Opportunities to Sell More Fresh Meat

At Midan, our Market Research Team is always scoping out the consumer trends that are having the biggest impact on the meat industry. A key part of our job is to help our clients understand the implications those trends can have on their business. By assigning meaning...