Public Relations: The red-headed stepchild?

I’ve been in the public relations industry for more than 20 years, and honestly, my parents still have no idea what I do. Their explanation to friends and family always entertains me when I happen to overhear it at a function or when it’s played back to me by family...

Stellar Client Support to Make Meat a Star

New Orleans is a culinary capital known for its seafood dishes: oysters Rockefeller, shrimp creole and court-bouillon are just a few in a long, distinguished list. But as a former resident I know firsthand that meat is an important part of local cuisine – it just...

Why You Should Care About Segmentation Research

I know – you’re expecting a dry and stat-heavy blog about market research. But you’re only half right (I’m a research guy, of course I want to talk about research!), because what I am about to share is very exciting since it centers on the single most dynamic element...

Just Another Day at the Office…

If you know anything about Midan, you know it’s not just an empty slogan when we say that we live, breathe and dream about meat. Our recent annual Team Meeting bears this out in spades. While some companies jet off to Vegas or escape to Disney World to get away from...