AMC 2021 Top Takeaways Video

Not being “on-site” didn’t stop the Midan team from capturing the key insights from the all-virtual AMC 2021. Watch our team members share their firsthand insights in our AMC Top Takeaways video below. And in case you missed it, be sure to check out our AMC Top 10...

AMC 2021 Top 10 Insights

The “State of Change” theme for AMC 2021 was more than apt, as the meat industry gathered virtually to reflect on a year of incredible upheaval wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, recognize the resilience of stake holders across the meat channel and share hard-won...
AMC 2020 Top 10 Blog

AMC 2020 Top 10 Blog

#MidanTakesAMC: Our team was on site at the 2020 Annual Meat Conference, hearing the latest facts and figures about the state of today’s meat industry.  We’ve distilled down two-and-a-half days of heavy-duty meat data into these top takeaways: 1. Celebrate: We’re...

AMC 2019 Top 10 Blog

The 2019 Annual Meat Conference was all about how technology is dramatically impacting every facet of the meat business: the consumer, the product and the buying process. AMC sessions on artificial intelligence, omnichannel purchasing and the rise of meat alternatives...