Urban Eclectics, Demystified

I have raised an Urban Eclectic. I am not exactly sure how it happened: one day I was doling out Cheerios to an infant in a high chair and the next I was sitting across from a 23-year-old eating kimchi for breakfast. If you’re not familiar with Midan’s recent Meat...

The Selective Foodies Party

Coca-Cola. Team Fitz. Vinegar-based BBQ sauce. Dog lover. Millennial. Thanks to the Meat Consumer Segmentation research study, I can now add a new label to my list: Selective Foodie. In December of 2016, Midan surveyed 2,200 meat eaters to better understand attitudes...

I’m a Premium Player. What About You?

When it comes to my shopping habits, I have always been one to know exactly what I need. I am big on making lists and hate going out of my way to make my purchases. Hello, my name is Haley Frazier and I am a Digital Content Coordinator at Midan Marketing. But I...