Join the Beef and BBQ Party

May is National Beef and BBQ Month and we meat heads at Midan couldn’t be more excited to celebrate the cornerstone of our industry: meat. If you haven’t noticed by now, Midan is a passionate bunch about meat. We’re only half-joking when we say we eat, breathe and...

Meat: The Benefits of the ‘Real Deal’

I love animals; they’re delicious. For me, this is more than a bumper sticker slogan; it’s a way of life. Growing up on a beef cattle farm in Georgia, no meal made it to the table without some form of animal protein on it. There was always plenty of ground beef (read:...

Are You “Brand Safe”?

As a meat processor, you stake your reputation on the quality and safety of your products. You wouldn’t dream of letting meat leave your plant without following every safety precaution to the letter of the law. Unfortunately, many companies aren’t as careful about...