Do Your Marketing Claims and Attributes Matter to Today’s Meat Consumers?
Through all the ups and downs of the last several years, shopper demand for meat products has remained strong. But as consumers continue to navigate economic pressures, health and sustainability concerns, the meat industry and retailers will need to collaborate to...
3 Key Messages About Pork in 2023
At Midan, we talk a lot about “sharing your story” with consumers in an effort to make animal agriculture more accessible. Those of us in animal ag must make a conscious effort to step back to understand the consumer perspective. Getting a clear understanding of what...
Promote Beef Attributes to Keep Interest High During Inflation
Consumers today are incredibly aware of and concerned about inflation, and it’s impacting the way they shop for groceries, especially higher priced items like meat. In June, shoppers were paying 8.2% more than last year, on average, at the meat case.1 This continues...