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You Are Not Your Target Audience

You Are Not Your Target Audience

If you are a packer/processor, when is the last time you did a store check through the eyes of the consumer? I am talking about standing in front of a retail meat case and really looking at your branded items — not from your perspective of everything that goes into...

2024 Midyear Trends Update

2024 Midyear Trends Update

Most of the time, the Midan team is focused on looking forward, with our research eye trained on today’s meat consumers: In what ways are they evolving into the meat eaters of tomorrow? But around this time every year, we stop and take an intentional look backward…...

More Video Stories Equals More Success

More Video Stories Equals More Success

I’ve travelled to several industry conferences this year and I’ve heard a variation of this quote at each of them: “If you don’t show up and tell your story, then your opposition, enemy or competitor will do it for you.” It honestly made a pretty big impact on me as...