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Beam me up, Siri: What voice-assisted search means for the meat business

Danette Amstein

Reading Time: < 1 minute
A weeklong business trip in November uncovered a shocking revelation:  Siri has become my new BFF. I asked her for the weather each morning, the location of the closest gas station and directions to a restaurant. I had her text my husband while I was getting ready for a meeting and call my son while I was driving.

Voice assistance used to be something we saw only on episodes of Star Trek. If you are a Trekkie, you know all interactions started with one word: “Computer.”  Well, “Computer” has been replaced by Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google. Since 2011, when Siri first entered our world, over one billion devices are now enabled with voice assistance.

Continue reading the rest of Danette’s blog here…


About the Author

Danette is a Managing Principal based in our Mooresville office. Together with Michael Uetz, she develops and carries out the strategic direction and vision for Midan. In addition, she works closely with our meat industry clients to outline effective strategies based on their business goals, and then oversees the execution of tactics to ensure those goals are not just met, but surpassed. Danette’s lifelong love for the meat industry started on her family’s farm in Kansas, deepened during her involvement with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and state beef organizations and continues today with her passionate work for our clients. A well-respected thought leader in the meat industry, she speaks at conferences, writes social content postings, and blogs for Meatingplace. Married to Todd, she is a proud parent of a son and daughter, is a diehard Kansas State Wildcats fan, loves chocolate and still drives a combine when she goes home to Kansas for the annual wheat harvest.
Danette Amstein