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How to Spot an Aging Idealist

Diana Ross•

Reading Time: 2 minutes
This blog is the final in our series detailing each of six distinct meat consumer segments from our recent Meat Consumer Segmentation research.

My sister and I have always been very different. She likes the heat, I like the cold. She likes spicy foods, I like sweet foods. So after learning that I am a Wavering Budgeteer, I was curious to see what category she fell into.

Turns out my sister is an Aging Idealist. They make up 13% of the meat-eating consumer population. While Patty enjoys a good deal as well as the next person, it’s not the only criterion for purchases and can get tossed right out the window if she really wants it. (I will forfeit a much wanted item for cost – her, never!) If she knows the meat is a product of the United States and the brand cares about sustainability, she will purchase it regardless of price.

Patty works as a logistics coordinator for an international machine tool company and therefore is an organized person. She prepares her food list before she leaves the house, but once at the store the list gets ignored if she finds meat that is free from additives and offered in smaller portions, as she is constantly dieting and trying to have a healthier lifestyle. Truth be told, she is also not a big fan of leftovers. (I love leftovers.)

She is educated and understands what goes into getting the meat from the farm to her plate. She will buy only meat that is humanely raised and preferably grass-fed. She appreciates a store that offers organic and USDA certified meat so a retailer that carries both of those is more likely to get her business. As with 71% of the Aging Idealists segment, she averages about one grocery shopping trip per month so the supermarket she chooses as her primary store will receive a nice basket ring. (Again, unlike me who will go to multiple stores to save money.)

Like with most Aging Idealists who are loyal to a cause, one of the ways to reach Patty is to provide information on the source of the meat as well as nutritional details. It is best to do this before she reaches the store so advertisements in the local paper or the store website will help direct her to the store containing the meat she knows was raised true to her beliefs. And once she chooses that store, she remains loyal.

We may be different in our spending habits but we both love our meat!