Giving the Industry Guidance.
No one can tell the meat industry’s story better than someone who has actually lived it. Midan Marketing leads the conversation by bringing together unparalleled experience and deep understanding of what motivates today’s meat consumers.

Why Your Corporate Website is the Ultimate Virtual Showroom
by Tony Rector | Technology
As a web developer, I'm often asked why companies even need a website. When I hear, “Why should I invest marketing dollars into developing and maintaining a website when so many other methods are available?” Ouch! That gets me right in the heart. It's true; consumers...

Tech-Savvy Carnivores: How Technology is Shaping Meat Consumers’ Habits
by Justana Schilling | Technology
From the morning alarm chime on a cell phone to a reminder in the evening that it is time to wind down for bed, technology is engrained in our days from start to finish. Consumers are using cell phones, tablets and laptops to track their movements, streamline their...

Top 3 Takeaways From IPPE 2024
by Steve Hixon | Technology
Steve Hixon and Maggie O'Quinn at IPPE 2024 This year’s International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) delivered an experience focused on global technology, innovation, and environmentally friendly products and solutions. Along with the exhibition, educational...

How AI is Shaking Up the Meat and Marketing Industries – Part 2
by Danette Amstein | Technology
(This is Part 2 of a two-part blog series. You can find Part 1 here.) In Part 1 of this blog I shared a headline exercise we did to show how AI can assist with marketing efforts. Below is the continuation of this theme, this time focused on art generation and the...

How AI is Shaking Up the Meat and Marketing Industries – Part 1
by Danette Amstein | Technology
(This is Part 1 of a two-part blog series. You can find Part 2 here.) December is always a great time to reflect on the past 12 months and how things have changed. I like to take a moment to look back on the trends from the year and consider what will move us into the...

A Primer on Artificial Intelligence for the Meat Industry
by Topanga McBride | Technology
This image was generated by AI.If you’re anything like me, you can’t go a day without seeing at least one headline, video or Insta post about artificial intelligence. So much information is emerging daily about the latest AI tools that it’s hard to keep up – one day...

What Drives Human Decision Making?
by Hillary Martinez | Technology
How the Meat Industry Can Leverage Human Behavior Through Technology As a three-time graduate of Texas A&M University, I have had the privilege to work with world-renowned specialists and laboratories in the fields of Meat Science, Consumer Sensory Science and...

Technologies That Will Impact The Meat Case In The Next Five Years
by Michael Uetz | Technology
The science fiction genre has long been predicting the technologies and foods of the future. In the 1970s and ‘80s, 2021 was a far-off world ripe for narratives. Lucky for us, few of the stories provided an accurate picture of our reality – we aren’t eating wafers of...
Beam me up, Siri: What voice-assisted search means for the meat business
by Danette Amstein | Technology
A weeklong business trip in November uncovered a shocking revelation: Siri has become my new BFF. I asked her for the weather each morning, the location of the closest gas station and directions to a restaurant. I had her text my husband while I was getting ready for...
Are you ready for new technologies impacting food distribution? Today’s end consumers are.
by Steve Hixon | Technology
As you begin reading my blog, you’re probably thinking: Here we go, another perspective on the future of technology and its impact on my meat operation. Another so-called expert telling me that e-commerce is taking over retail, warehousing is practically executed by...