Giving the Industry Guidance.
No one can tell the meat industry’s story better than someone who has actually lived it. Midan Marketing leads the conversation by bringing together unparalleled experience and deep understanding of what motivates today’s meat consumers.

Recurring Research Theme: Concerns About Antibiotics, Hormones and Animal Welfare
by Michael Uetz | Transparency/Traceability
The use of antibiotics and hormones in animal agriculture is a conversation that we’ve been having for years, and I imagine we will continue to have. In 2021, consumers gravitated toward antibiotics claims to the tune of more than $8 billion in sales of meat and...

It’s Time to Embrace the Realities of Modern Farming
by Patrick Fleming | Transparency/Traceability
“Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.” – What are you picturing? If you’re like most, it’s probably a cow, a pig, a horse, two chickens and a cute dog running behind old Mr. McDonald. What probably makes you different than most Americans, though, is that you understand...

Traceability and Transparency – Table Stakes for Tomorrow’s Consumers
by Maggie O'Quinn | Transparency/Traceability
When it comes to trends at the meat case and what topics consumers are talking about, there’s an influencer I’m starting to recognize – Walmart®. They weren’t the first corporation to commit to becoming greener and they don’t have the loftiest sustainability goals but...

Antibiotics provide opportunity for industry to re-educate consumers
by Danette Amstein | Transparency/Traceability
Antibiotics have been part of meat production for decades. Today, they have become a source of controversy and, for some consumers, fear. In 1999, Chipotle became one of the first restaurants to tout that it sold meat from animals never given antibiotics. By 2017,...

10 Insights About Today’s Natural and Organic Meat Consumers
by Midan Marketing | Transparency/Traceability
Meat packages, once a basic commodity bearing only weight/price labels, are now veritable billboards for the products they contain, branded and adorned with a range of claim stickers. At Midan, we wanted to learn more about who is buying claims-based meats,...

Meat Processors in the Spotlight: Five Best Practices for Transparency
by Michael Uetz | Transparency/Traceability
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive, heartbreaking devastation both in the number of lives lost and the number of livelihoods threatened. The meat industry has been hit especially hard: 67 meat plant workers have died and more than 17,000 have been sickened. In...
For Grass-fed Beef Consumers, It’s All About the Why
by Maggie O'Quinn | Transparency/Traceability
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek’s famous reminder to start with “why” is a powerful one for all of us as we ponder what the future of the meat business looks like. Somehow, we’ve found ourselves in a strange new world where we are...
Midan’s Reaction to Chain Reaction: Quick Facts on Antibiotic Use in Livestock
by Danette Amstein | Transparency/Traceability
Mainstream media outlets swallowed up the subjective content of the recently published Chain Reaction III study, evoking fear and panic among consumers. The report wants consumers and investors to pressure the top 25 fast food and fast casual restaurants to move to...