Giving the Industry Guidance.
No one can tell the meat industry’s story better than someone who has actually lived it. Midan Marketing leads the conversation by bringing together unparalleled experience and deep understanding of what motivates today’s meat consumers.

The Power of Brand Strategy
by Molly Shelton | Marketing
Got a product that you’d love to shout about from the mountaintops, but you’re just not sure if anyone will hear you? Well, that’s where brand strategy comes in. Creating a path to market is a step-by-step journey. The formula for winning lies in leveraging brand...

3 Ways To Help Consumers Spice Things Up This Grilling Season
by Molly Shelton | Trends
It’s the end of May, which means grilling season is officially here! Consumers have always loved firing up the grill during the summer, whether it’s ribeyes for two or a backyard barbecue with the neighbors. As consumers continue to evolve, though, so does how they...

3 Things the Plant-Based Meat Brands Got Right
by Molly Shelton | Alt-Meat
What Went Right – and What Went Wrong – With Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Plant-based meat alternatives captured the attention of meat consumers, the media and, well, me. I’ve been carefully watching these brands infiltrate the meat case for the last several years...

Three Ways to Highlight Your Protein Story
by Molly Shelton | Health/Wellness
The new year always brings resolutions with a focus on health, wellness and consumers becoming their best selves. But for the last couple years, resolutions around health have felt bigger, more encompassing. When humans feel like there is a lot they can’t control...

Observations From the National Restaurant Association Show 2022: Experiential + Ease
by Molly Shelton | Trends
After a two-year hiatus courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic, the long-awaited National Restaurant Association Show was back in action last week! As an absolute delight to the senses, this year’s much anticipated show did not disappoint. The electric vibe, culinary...

How to Capitalize on Burger Trends
by Molly Shelton | Trends
Summer grilling season is joyously upon us and what better way to kick it off than by celebrating the ultimate grilling go-to: the beef burger! A burger tastes great, goes easy on the wallet and never gets tiresome – its flavor, versatility and accessibility simply...
If You’re Not Targeting Clean Eaters, You’re Missing Out
by Molly Shelton | Alt-Meat
Does it seem like everywhere you turn, there is another so-called health guru promoting the latest and greatest diet trend? While some of these fads come and go, others have staying power. With health and well-being at center stage for consumers as we collectively...

The Delectable Truth About Burgers
by Molly Shelton | Health/Wellness
A quintessential American summer just isn’t complete without the sound of juicy beef burgers sizzling on the grill. As warm weather approaches and COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease, consumers have another reason to embrace the start of summer: Their beloved burger...