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Giving the Industry Guidance.

No one can tell the meat industry’s story better than someone who has actually lived it. Midan Marketing leads the conversation by bringing together unparalleled experience and deep understanding of what motivates today’s meat consumers.


The Sustainability Conversation

The Sustainability Conversation

How to Impact the Sustainability Conversation in the Social Space If you have been reading my blog posts for any length of time, you know I am passionate about the subject of sustainability and how consumers perceive it, especially when it comes to eating meat.  To...

4 Takeaways From USRSB General Assembly

4 Takeaways From USRSB General Assembly

In recent years, the meat industry’s sustainability conversation has evolved from “what do we do about sustainability” to “how do we measure and report our sustainability progress.” As we move into this next phase of our sustainability journey, the United States...

This is What Sustainability Looks Like

This is What Sustainability Looks Like

Last month I had the opportunity to attend the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (USRSB) General Assembly meeting. The day before the meeting, a group of attendees boarded a bus at dawn for a sustainable ag tour. I always jump at the chance to see agriculture in...

What Meat Consumers Say Versus What They Do

What Meat Consumers Say Versus What They Do

“According to research conducted by Midan Marketing” may be one of my favorite phrases to write when I’m developing content for Midan or our clients. In my position as a Customer Insights Analyst, it’s my job to know what consumers are thinking, feeling and doing when...

Ad Nauseam

Ad Nauseam

Last week I had the honor of attending and speaking at the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef’s (USRSB) General Assembly meeting. This conference is a true roundtable, bringing together the entire beef supply chain for frank conversations about how to improve upon...