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Giving the Industry Guidance.

No one can tell the meat industry’s story better than someone who has actually lived it. Midan Marketing leads the conversation by bringing together unparalleled experience and deep understanding of what motivates today’s meat consumers.


You Are Not Your Target Audience

You Are Not Your Target Audience

If you are a packer/processor, when is the last time you did a store check through the eyes of the consumer? I am talking about standing in front of a retail meat case and really looking at your branded items — not from your perspective of everything that goes into...

The Sustainability Conversation

The Sustainability Conversation

How to Impact the Sustainability Conversation in the Social Space If you have been reading my blog posts for any length of time, you know I am passionate about the subject of sustainability and how consumers perceive it, especially when it comes to eating meat.  To...

Takeaways From CattleCon 2024

Takeaways From CattleCon 2024

Beef by the numbers, and good beef sustainability – my top takeaways from CattleCon 2024 Given my background, my passion and my personal “why,” few things make me happier than arriving at a conference filled with cowboy hats, jeans and boots – worn by the “real...

Tomorrow’s Meat Industry: Generation Z

Tomorrow’s Meat Industry: Generation Z

Every company has an interest in being future-focused - thinking about upcoming generations and how they will shape not only the world, but that company’s future. Both the meat and marketing industries have had their eye on Generation Z for some time now. The...

Leveraging Social Media for Business Success

Leveraging Social Media for Business Success

Over the last decade we’ve all had a front row seat to the evolution of social media from essentially a digital toy for teenagers into a tool that is integral for business success. It has been interesting to watch how much more open the meat industry, particularly...

The Power of Consumer Segmentation

The Power of Consumer Segmentation

Have you ever watched an ad or a short video and been perplexed, or even said out loud, “I don’t get it.” Happens to me a lot, especially during live sporting events. The reason I don’t get it is that I am not the target for what is being advertised. Frequent readers...

4 Takeaways From USRSB General Assembly

4 Takeaways From USRSB General Assembly

In recent years, the meat industry’s sustainability conversation has evolved from “what do we do about sustainability” to “how do we measure and report our sustainability progress.” As we move into this next phase of our sustainability journey, the United States...

Top Takeaways From 2023 CattleCon

Top Takeaways From 2023 CattleCon

In February, I had the privilege of traveling with a few of my colleagues to the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show held in New Orleans. I had the privilege of speaking as part of Cattlemen’s College. We attended sessions, walked the showroom floor...

Get to Know Gen Z Beef Shoppers

Get to Know Gen Z Beef Shoppers

In late August I had the privilege of tagging along with my daughter and her roommate as they went grocery shopping, preparing to start another semester at NYU. I was happy to come along as mom, but also excited to watch the process unfold as a marketer eager to see...

Why 21 Is the New 7

Why 21 Is the New 7

Most of us have heard the adage that you have to repeat something seven times before it really sticks. From a marketing lens, that’s old news. In today’s landscape where ads, emails and content, content, content seep into every part of our lives, researchers say that...

This is What Sustainability Looks Like

This is What Sustainability Looks Like

Last month I had the opportunity to attend the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (USRSB) General Assembly meeting. The day before the meeting, a group of attendees boarded a bus at dawn for a sustainable ag tour. I always jump at the chance to see agriculture in...

Ad Nauseam

Ad Nauseam

Last week I had the honor of attending and speaking at the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef’s (USRSB) General Assembly meeting. This conference is a true roundtable, bringing together the entire beef supply chain for frank conversations about how to improve upon...

Four keys to win over Gen Zs

Four keys to win over Gen Zs

College recruiting is an interesting genre of marketing. I am not talking about the recruitment of athletes but of scholars. For the past year I have been on the parent side of this, fascinated by the marketing efforts that went into capturing my daughter’s attention....

Meat Marketing During COVID:  Don’t Go Dark Now

Meat Marketing During COVID: Don’t Go Dark Now

COVID-19 has created a climate of incredible uncertainty for companies and brands. Because it’s obviously not a time for “business as usual,” it’s natural to wonder if you should pull back on marketing. You might be thinking: “I don’t want to appear insensitive during...

Carbon Footprint: The on-pack label you didn’t know you needed

Want year-end success? Re-evaluate your plan now

“So, how did that work out?” This is a question my grandmother used to ask me with her hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised. You can guess the “I-told-you-so” tone. It was always after I had failed miserably at something I claimed I knew how to do. Nanny — as all...

Helping meat make the grade in college

In the last month, nearly 19 million students packed their bags and headed off to college. My son was one of them; he was starting his sophomore year.  Because he was moving into a house with two other young men versus the dorm, I found myself adding cooking supplies...

2018 Meat Industry Headlines

Wow, what a year! Change. Growth. Success. 2018 had it all.  Let’s take a minute to recap the themes of this year’s biggest meat industry stories. And look ahead to see how they’ll shape 2019. 1. Positioning Protein Alternatives: Protein alternatives (including the...

AMC 2018 Top 10

At Annual Meat Conference (AMC) 2018, digital dominated. How today’s meat consumers are using digital to plan, purchase and prepare meals was the unifying theme that coursed through nearly every session. As always, the Midan team was on the scene to sift through all...

At Midan, What We Do Is Who We Are

Happy New Year! It’s only the second week of 2018, but some of us (no names mentioned!) might already be wavering on those ambitious resolutions we made to do more of “this” and less of “that” in the coming year. While the new year offers a chance to start fresh, it’s...

Top Meat Industry Headlines of 2017

Oh 2017—what a news-filled, exciting year you have been! Here at Midan we work hard to stay on top of news and trends in the meat industry. As this year wraps up, I wanted to reflect with you on some of 2017’s prominent trends that we believe will impact 2018. The...